Steadicam Silver Workshop

Steadicam Silver Workshop

Steadicam Silver Workshop

Steadicam Silver Workshop

Steadicam Silver Workshop

Steadicam Silver Workshop

Steadicam Silver Workshop

Burning in the sun with the 5 hosts

The rising of Gardens by the Bay

The Sam Willows - Save Me MV

Worked with Broadcast Solutions

I'M1 (2017) Client: M1 Singapore

Proud owner of the Steadicam M1 / Archer 2

I'M1 (2017) Client: M1 Singapore

Behind the scenes for a NS50 Video

PowerUP Motion is in Business. We also got to meet local Hong Kong director, Michael Hui.

Flag Party "No backside shots."

Mediacorp, Singapore Channel 8 - Current Affairs

Singapore's annual street parade

Singapore's annual street parade

Rehearsal for Singapore's annual street parade

Setup for the day

Come back to you MV - Jimmy Ye & The Sam Willows

Welcome the Ironist MV

A Singapore Tourism Board project

Dancing with the Steadicam Tango

Behind the scenes

Girls Generation / 2NE1

President Tony Tan doing the inspection

Taiwanese movie - Time Is Money 十万夥急 Director - Kang Kang 康晉榮